Want to start earning Express Coins which you can spend online?
STEP 1: Simply log in to your account (CLICK HERE TO LOGIN)
STEP 2: Select the option that works best for you below
You will be able to earn Express Coins for each product that you share on our website. Simply click on the Facebook or Twitter share icon at the top of the products page and you will automatically start earning Express Coins for each one you share.
With this option you will be able to create a link that is unique to your account. Each time a friend of yours click on the link and buys a product on our website you will get a referral fee in Express Coins.
Log in to your account (CLICK HERE TO LOGIN) >> Select DASHBOARD >> At the top you will see the “By selecting this checkbox, you will be in part of Reward Points Program” select this and generate your unique code. This code can then be shared via Email, Social Media or WhatsApp and we will keep track of all your referrals. Please note that each link is only valid for 14 days.